LD Celulose begins classes for the first group of young apprentices

30 de March de 2022
Próxima notícia Representatives from LD Celulose and Araguari city reunite at the construction site

This Tuesday, March 29th, the classes of the first group of LD Celulose's Young Apprentice Program started. In all, 30 people aged between 16 and 21 participate in the initiative. The program will last 16 months and will be divided into two stages: theoretical and practical. Initially, the participants will spend five months training as Administrative Assistants. The classes will be held at Imepac, in Araguari, and at the Casa do Idoso, in Indianópolis. After this period, they will be directed to supervised practice at LD Celulose, between August 2022 and July 2023. The partner institution for the program will be ICASU, a non-profit philanthropic entity whose main objective is to promote human development and care for families, children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly in situations of social risk and vulnerability. "Among the institution's actions is the preparation of young people for insertion in the labor market, which is in line with our program's proposal, which is to promote the development and growth of these future professionals," says Human Resources Manager, Mara Benevides.