Contact Us

We have contact channels specifically created to listen to you.

Following our policy of transparency in the relationship with the community, we provide exclusive communication channels, so that the public can make suggestions, complaints, compliments, and send compliance reports.

To ask questions, make suggestions, complaints or compliments, you can call 0800 025 5062 (toll-free), Monday to Friday, from 8am to 5pm (GMT -3), or fill in the form below and follow up by clicking on “Acompanhar Mensagens”.

Would you like to submit a request for donations, sponsorship or a project?

Register on the INFLOR® Social Applicant Portal.

The applicant portal was created to facilitate communication between institutions and the organization, making the analysis of requests more efficient.
To submit a request or project, you must first register in the “Sign up” menu, choosing a username and password. Once the registration has been approved, all communication will take place through the portal, including alerts on approval, pending documentation and other questions, using the e-mail address of the person responsible.
Submission of requests will only be allowed for approved institutions, which must use a standard form available in the restricted area of the portal: INFLOR® Social


Você na LD (Visiting Program)

We want to receive you here in LD Celulose!

How about visiting our Forestry area, the Socio-Environmental Education Center (CESA) and our mill?

It's very simple, just send an e-mail to

Don't forget to mention your company and number of people. Visits allowed from 12 years of age. 

Reporting Channel

The Ethics Channel is a way of expanding our commitment to transparency and ethics. LD Celulose promotes an environment of protection against any form of retaliation to those who, in good faith, inform against any irregularities.

This is an independent, confidential, and impartial tool and is available to the external and internal audiences of LD Celulose and its subsidiaries.

You can file complaints about Fraud, Corruption, Money laundry, Conflict of interests, Harassment, Discrimination, Safety, Environment and Health, Violation of Workers’ Rights, or Other irregularities.

Click here to send a report

Investor relationships

Are you an LD Celulose investor?
Click on the button below to contact us, make suggestions and requests.

Click here to contact us


LD Celulose S.A.

Rodovia LMG 748, Km 29, S/N
Indianópolis, MG, Brazil
Postcode 38490-000

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