LD Celulose concluded the current donation cycle to the fight against the pandemics on the municipalities around the site. Last Tuesday, May 4th, Indianópolis Mayor, Lindomar Amaro, and the Health Municipal Officer, Marivania Amaro, received personal protective equipment and oxygen concentrators that are going to be used on the UBS (Basic Health Units), the Emergency Care, and the municipality Covid-19 Reception Center. The deliver is part of an action plan build by the company to supply some of the needs of Araguari, Uberlândia and Indianópolis on the covid-19 patients care. Among the itens received by Indianópolis are oxygen concentrators, medical gloves, proofwater aprons, sheets and disposable masks. This is the second time that the company make donations to support the municipalities on the pandemics fight. The first one was in June 2020. “It is with huge satisfaction that we close another donations cycle doing our share to help the population on that vulnerable moment that we live in”, said LD Celulose director, João Sevilha.